Google Analytics and Reporting Helps you stay ahead in this competitive world

Google Analytics and Reporting Helps you stay ahead in this competitive world

These days, everything on the internet is connected. Have you ever questioned how websites know your location and redirect you to the page of that specific location? Or have you ever seen those ads that appear all the time after you visit a specific website? 

Now a days Google plays an important role in our life. If you have a website then you want to know how many people visit on your site. How many people come return on your site? Your website traffic can offer a wide variety of data about your customers then it only possible when you have a website. Google analytics reporting is a future that opens up the scope of expanding your business on prime pages of any search engines.

Website owners have created their accounts not only because it is free to use, but because it is reliable. You will get a wealth of knowledge about your site Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that generates detailed statistics about activity on a website. Through Google Analytics system explains helps you analyze visitor traffic and paint a complete picture of your audience and their needs, wherever they are along the path to purchase.

What is Google Analytics? 

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you track a whole lot of stats and information that are related particularly to your website which, in turn can help you structure a sound digital marketing campaign. You won’t have to pay a dime to access Google Analytics on the internet. It’s a free online tool and can be accessed anywhere anytime you wish to do so.
How many users found out your website on the World Wide Web? Did they find out your website via advertisements, content links or search engines? Or did they land on your site directly from a link? If you want to know the answer to that question, Google Analytics is the way to go. Today, social media has become an integral part of digital marketing. So naturally you would like to know your traffic well that comes via your social media channels. Analytics again comes to your rescue.
Through Google analytics, you’ll be able to track your user data from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, Instagram, LinkedIn, Delicious etc. on a single page. This can save you a whole lot of time and effort because you’ll be able to find everything under a single mouse click.  Google Analytics helps you track your bounce rate with bare ease and comfort.

Benefits of Google Analytics

1. Detail Information about visitors

Google Analytics provides detailed information about visitors coming to our website. We can see the countries and towns from where the visitors access our website, helping us to understand if any localized marketing campaigns or keywords would help in providing desired results. I.e. we can improve the sessions or page views by modifying campaigns for the desired region to engage more new users and maintain old visitors.

2. Automated Emails

After you have adjusted the settings for customizing your site’s data/reports, you can send them periodically via automated emails to the desired email addresses.

3. Figure out where your users are coming from

Geographical location is really important in doing business and that is exactly the information Google Analytics provides you with. Knowing the location of your users helps you design specific marketing campaigns and set goals for that area. Using this feature, you can set this frequency for specific periods of time and even make changes as you see fit. The tool basically ensures that real-time data/reports are sent to the intended people in a quick, timely manner.

4. Learn about keywords

In order to attract and retain traffic, you need to be visible on Google search engines, and you usually have to be high on the rankings to gain attention that you want and need. Relevant keywords and search terms embedded in your URLs help you get where you want to be.
This is where GA can help you. It can show you which keywords attract the most visitors. It gives you a straight breakdown of which queries are bringing users to your website and to which pages exactly. Use specific keywords to get the best results.

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